Blog: Social networking sites

I visited Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn as my 4 social media websites to compare. 

Facebook was the most busy out of all of them. There is so much going on when you are at the homepage. You have your active feed compiled of the posts from people you are friends with, trending topics, basic tabs on top, focused tabs on one side, and ads on the other. There is so much information and so much to look at that it is overwhelming.

Instagrams website is the cleanest. Because this is their online platform, only some of the features that are on the app are offered online. There is a toolbar on the top and one single stream of picture posts from the people you follow. 

LinkedIn is the most professional out of the 4. It is used for communication with people you work with and with people you want to work with/for. It isn't as relaxed as the others and does not allow for much self expression. 

Twitter is busy but not as busy as Facebook. There is a lot of information but it is clearly divided into sections. It is easier to follow you feeds and the feeds of trending topics.

All of these websites connect people, they allow for communication whether it be through pictures, professional reasons, day-to-day updates, or reposting a funny cat video. These websites allow for conversations to start. They allow for private messaging and also public messaging on posts. The most interesting thing about these 4 websites is the age separation because of the people who use each platform. LinkedIn is used by mostly working people and some college students. Instagram is used mostly by younger generations with a few exceptions of older users. Twitter is used by corporations, governments, kids, and adults which is probably the most diverse out of all of them. Lastly, Facebook with younger kids/teens are not choosing to use. Facebook is in a higher age range, with an exception on teens that were able to create an account when they were younger.


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