Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

In the article "In Room 100, It's Sid and Nancy All Over Again", by Saki Knafo, he describes a virtual world that was created to act as a screen shot of history. Kind of like a virtual world memorabilia for a famous hotel. The virtual world for this hotel was created because the hotel was taken over by a corporate company and remodeled. The virtual world was made so that people for virtually experience what the hotel was like before. The creator or the virtual hotel even made it more authentic by designing room 100 to mimic the murder of Sex Pistols member Sid Vicious's girlfriend Nancy Spungen. I think that virtual worlds like this, that are created to allow people to experience a piece in time that is no longer there or the way it was, is an interesting way to utilize this technology. It allows a place in history to be replicated virtually and people are able to experience it better then just looking at a picture.

In the article "Going to the virtual office in Second Life" by Mark Tutton, he describes this virtual world that companies are starting to use to connect all of their locations around the world and make it easier for people to connect. They set up these worlds that have different sections and rooms for people to have one on ones, group meetings, and even an auditorium for big presentations. I like this for companies because it makes meeting and connecting much easier. Group calls can get confusing sometimes when there are a lot of people on the call. Sometimes you are unsure of who is talking. This virtual world allows people to have avatars so that you know who is talking and who is in the meeting.

I think virtual worlds created for historic purposes is a creative way for people who have an interest in a specific place or time to customize and develop a virtual world. The creator of the Chelsea Hotel virtual world used such precision and creativity especially when he added the murder in Room 100 and the old mailboxes behind the desk. As for virtual worlds being used for companies i don't think there is much room for creativeness expect on the side of the company who is supplying this world to the company.

I think the future or virtual worlds will look less SIM like and more realistic. Virtual worlds could possibly get more interactive, as in people people projected or feel as though they are really experiencing this world instead of looking at a computer screen.


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