Blog Social networking

One of the articles I read called "They're Back, and They're Bad: Campus Gossip Web Sites", by Jeffrey R. Young, talks about gossip sits for college students. These gossip websites allow student to anonymously post about other students, of course not posting any kind words. Students made lists which contained names of students who had STD's. While that could be helpful it is also embarrassing to those who are on the list. Students are also able to post embarrassing or harsh words and even pictures. These posts can cause serious emotional and physical harm to those who are being targeted. Because this article was written in 2009 it is slightly out of touch with the advancements social media has taken on. Students have their phones on them at all moments on the day, they have snapchat and Instagram readily available to them to record or post things that are going on. High schools have banned cell phone use during the school day to protect the privacy of teachers and fellow students.

When I was in high school an app called Yik Yak was a huge it with the students. It was a gossip app that allowed people in your area to anonymously post gossip. It was upsetting to see how mean the students could be when their name or face wasn't attached to what was being said. It caused a lot of emotional drama but soon became obsolete. Unfortunately, there was something before Yik Yak. It was called Formspring which was a website that allowed you to make a profile that people could anonymously post on. Of course people jumped at the opportunity to write mean things about other people. I never made one because I didn't want to willingly allow people to be mean to me but people still found away to write about you even if you didn't have your own profile.

I am happy that there aren't too many of these platforms anymore or at least none that I know of. But I think that there are still people using social media to embarrass other students. I see people on snapchat posting embarrassing videos of other people throwing up or in the hospital after drinking too much. If you don't have that person on snapchat there is no way of seeing what they post. If the actual social media companies don't monitor what is being posted there is a chance that someone could get hurt and thus leading to a law suit.

There are positive and helpful ways to use social networking. In the article "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting", by Frank Langfitt, Landfitt talks about how LinkedIn has helped recruiters find eligible candidates for their open job positions. These recruiters now have a larger database available to find candidates that they wouldn't have found by just people applying. LinkedIn allows them to search for people who have experience in the field which they are looking to fill. It also gives the opportunity for people that are looking for jobs to find companies that they might want to work for. Social networking is allowing people to meet and find opportunities that they wouldn't have found before. I personally have a LinkedIn and find it useful to connect with others and possible workplaces. I think that LinkedIn will thrive in the future and make job recruiting easier for both sides.


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