Blog: P2P

When I googled what file sharing was it said "the practice of or ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a network or the internet". I think the word is self explanatory expect for the part that its not an actual file/object, its a file from your computer. P2P, AKA peer-to-peer, is a file sharing that one person uploads and then allows other people to access it using a file sharing website. I've used music sharing websites, textbook sharing website, and movie sharing websites. They have all come in handy and have been very usefull. One example that I didn't know was possible was getting loans through a company that  facilitates peer-to-peer money sharing. In the article "Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each other", by Wendy Kaufman, Karfman writes how people who need loans can get them more easily by going through websites and companies that get the money from investors. This ensures that the investors get a steady return and allows the borrowers to get a lower interest rate then what the bank would offer. I think that this is a useful was of using P2P file sharing because it is not taking money away from anyone that deserves it. Instead, it is giving people more of a variety.


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